The Art of Caring- The Ultimate Weapon Against Apathy

The Art of Caring- The Ultimate Weapon Against Apathy

What would the world look like if everyone cared? In our current world, it can be easy to stop caring or to stop wanting to care.  Once you’ve experienced your first heartbreak, your first disappointment, or a loss of innocence, it’s natural to build walls around your heart.  In the hopes of protection from future pain, you can find yourself in patterns of apathy.  I know that I have.  Apathy can seem like an easy way out.  Caring less means less disappointment, right?  Caring seems awfully risky…The greatest risks can lead to the greatest rewards.

When you care about something, you tend to it.  Caring about children means nurturing and protecting them.  There are some common misunderstandings about care.  Caring is not enabling.  Caring is not investing your worth in the opinions of others.  Caring is not losing yourself in another person.

Caring about People

Consideration is a key in caring about others.  Regarding another’s well-being can be an important gauge for your actions.  This requires a great deal of discernment as well-being is not the same as someone’s emotions or opinions.  When you act from a place of pure service, some people may not agree with you or may have an emotional response to you.  It is still worthwhile to act in alignment with your integrity , even if you may face adversity from others.  I have found Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah to be the most effective tool in developing discernment.  Kabbalah is designed to support you in clearing past emotional patterns, organizing your mind and truly creating a life that you love with practical, tangible results.  Along with discernment, my greatest fruits of Kabbalah have been my relationships with others. After completing the 10 month ascension program, the foundation of my relationships have been grounded in balance, respect, and care.

Caring about Space

Caring about your home, your car, and your office sets a standard for others to care about you and your space, too.  Keeping a tidy, organized space is actually another way to care about yourself.  It helps relieve stress and ultimately, it a reflection of your mind.  Clearing out clutter aids in clearing mental clutter.  Designing your space is also an expression of who you are.  Bring colour into your space that inspires you or relaxes you based on the purpose of the space.  Sacred Geometry I and II contain effective tools for raising the vibration of your space.  By adding the energetic component to a physical space, you can create powerful containers for your work-life balance.

Caring about Your Body

When you take care of your physical body, you begin to create a harmonious relationship with the other aspects of you, such as your mind and spirit.  Caring about your body isn’t about vanity, obsession or attachment.  When you take care of your body, your body is more likely to support you with engaging in life the way you truly desire.  Consider the right fuel to give your physical vehicle for living a long and healthy life fortified with life force energy.  Finding an exercise structure that works best for you is essential.  When it comes to being healthy, moving your body isn’t optional, however, how you exercise is completely based on your personal preferences.  When you put your body to good use, then taking the time to rejuvenate and recharge completes the cycle.  Care can be in the details like taking epsom salt baths and stretching.  Nurturing your body is giving it proper sleep, as well (this can be a tricky one!). The Full Spirit Activation is an energetic modality that strengthens the connection between your physical body and your spirit.  By unifying these multiple aspects of yourself, you are more empowered to live life alive with greater vitality and joy,

Caring about Your Soul and Spirit

Where do you learn how to care about your soul and spirit?  The Modern Mystery School is filled with the tools you wished you learned in school.  The Empower Thyself program is wonderful starting place.  Empower Thyself encompasses an extensive curriculum, including your energetic structure (in depth teachings about your spirit and soul).  If you are interested in learning more ways to care for people, the Modern Mystery School offers a program called Healers Academy.  Attending this program is a way to simultaneously care for yourself and learn a modality that helps care for others.

Caring about the World

When you commit to caring, you commit to a better world.  It starts with you.

Caring deeply,

Christina Becerra, Certified Guide and Ritual Master in the Modern Mystery School
