Commitment-The Path Out of the Comfort Zone

Commitment-The Path Out of the Comfort Zone

Who doesn’t love to be comfortable?  You savour eating your favourite foods, enjoying certain flavours over others.  Sleeping in your own bed beats sleeping in a hotel room any day.  Even with the best mattress and elegant sheets, studies show people sleep deeper in their own beds.  You even have people you prefer.  It’s natural to have a favourite barista, the one that gets your drink just right.  Perhaps you have a favourite massage therapist who gives just the right kind of pressure.  There’s often a friend who you can go months without speaking with and then pick up right where you left off.  It’s natural to create a life built on the preferences which create a sense of feeling comfortable.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  When does staying comfortable not serve you?

Your comfortable zone is a tricky thing.  It can be quite alluring to stay at rest.  The desire to stay still, free of risks and disappointments, is built on an illusion.  Nothing actually stays still.  Everything in this world is moving (check out my article on the personal state of movement and vibration here).  You have a choice to either progress or regress.  If you don’t actively choose then the default is regression.  By committing to yourself, you agree to a trajectory out of the known and toward a higher goal.  Progression is a path of freedom.  While commitment may seem like it limits freedom, it is actually quite the opposite.  Without commitment, you can get lost in the endless sea of possibilities.  It takes actually choosing a route to gain access to concrete options, a plan of action.  Freedom is not staying stuck, untethered to a path.  The freedom lies in the forward motion.  The opportunities are presented when you commit to working hard and being prepared.  Commitment has the potential to move you out of your limiting patterns and cycles. 

When you add consistency to commitment, you build a flow, a channel to direct your Will powerYour emotions will most likely attempt to sway you when you decide to commit to something bigger than where you are currently.  Emotions aim to keep you safe in your comfort zone.  It requires a continual renewal to your commitment through your actions to build a momentum, a force that can become so powerful that it overrides your emotions.  Even when you don’t feel like it, you choose your commitment over your emotions.  It becomes second nature.  It is like a form of time travel.  Your future self keeps reminding you of who you are to become and pulls you forward into your destiny.  Consistency builds this connection point to the future goal.  Consistency builds a path out of your comfort zone.

With the keys of Commitment and Consistency, an essential ingredient remains.  How can you successfully live outside of your box of limitations?  Choosing a path to walk provides a structure, a foundation.  Without a discipline, your success can be like a shot in the dark.  Finding a way focuses your energy and harnesses your power.  Whether your goal is becoming healthier or mastering a skill, selecting your path creates a container for your progression. 

The beauty of walking a spiritual path is it opens your potential to be successful in multiple areas of your life: health, love, career and creativity.  Working with a spiritual path grounded in lineage is powerful.  You have the opportunity to use effective tools that have consistently worked for thousands of years.  The lineage of the Modern Mystery School is over 3,000 years old.

It’s like choosing a discipline of martial artsWhen you learn from a sensei or shifu within a lineage, there’s a tradition of knowledge passed from teacher to student, creating a conduit of strength and integrity.  This allows you to tap into something greater than yourself and access a wealth of empowerment.  Working within this framework, gives you a deeper access to who you truly are as an individual, revealing more of your strengths and giving you awareness on where you can improve.  The purpose of training with the Modern Mystery School or any lineage-based mystery school is to know yourself.

By working on your spiritual foundation, the freedom to expand all areas of your life becomes exponential.  The Empower Thyself program is an integral place to begin.  I highly recommend attending Healers Academy.  The tools shared in Healers Academy support you in moving out of your comfort zone and toward your deeper commitments, the dreams and goals that you hold for yourself.  If you desire more clarity in discovering those dreams, then there are practical classes on learning how to meditate like Max Meditation System TM and Sanctuary Meditation.

When you commit to walking a clear path consistently, you are force to be reckoned with.

Walking the Path,

Christina Becerra, Certified Guide and Ritual Master in the Modern Mystery School