Fitness Consultations

Foundational Strength

  • Body transformation

  • Nutrition

  • Customized Workout Routine

  • 4 Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle

With the foundation of spirituality and Hermetics, I've experienced success in transforming my body and creating physical strength and capability. Since this transformation, I've felt called to share this opportunity with others, particularly women, as I find a need for clarity around the conversation regarding women's health.

My goal is to help others create a foundation of empowerment, focusing on fitness and nutrition in a balanced, healthy way. My unique perspective is through the lens of spirituality. My vision is sharing tools to create understanding on caring for your physical body.

The Structure

To establish a proper foundation of your personalized goal setting, clarity on how to stay committed and consistent based on your own behavioral patterns, and a customized plan on diet and exercise, I recommend 3 consultations in the first month. After the initial consultation, we can each decide whether working together is a good fit. After the first month, you can make a choice if you would like to continue and the frequency.

If you would like to schedule your initial consultation, please let me know and I will send you available time slots and pricing.



The Power of Purpose- The Weakness of Relying on Motivation

The Power of Purpose-

The Weakness of Relying on Motivation

Motivation is overrated. Waiting on motivation is like waiting on a bus that never comes. At some point, you have a choice to make. Do you continue waiting for the bus? Or do you figure out another way to get to where you want to go? Either way, motivation is not a reliable method of transportation.

Conquering Depression with Exercise- Secrets to Meditating Successfully

The human body is your personal vehicle. Moving your body is essential for living a life in which you perform at your personal best. Who knows? It might be within your power to drive a luxury vehicle…

A Conversation with Women: Weightlifting and Inner Strength

While you are spirit first, you cannot deny your physical body. Well, you can…but you likely will not yield very good results.

Strength in the body increases the strength of the spirit.
— Christina Becerra