Conquering Depression with Exercise- Secrets to Meditating Successfully

Conquering Depression with Exercise- Secrets to Meditating Successfully

“Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master,” -The Kybalion.

Allowing your car to sit stationary for long periods of time can lead to a variety of issues.  It is not recommended to do if you care about driving a car that performs reliably.  The human body is your personal vehicle.  Moving your body is essential for living a life in which you perform at your personal best.  Who knows?  It might be within your power to drive a luxury vehicle…

In my direct experience, the tools of the Modern Mystery School have upgraded my vehicle…multiple times over!  From the Life Activation to the Empower Thyself program, I have been constantly transforming my soul to reach new levels of performance in my life.  What I love most about this spiritual work (and it is work!  Magick, but no magick buttons), is how I’ve learned to care more about my physical body.  Becoming more tuned in to spirituality doesn’t mean denying the physical.  It means celebrating it!  Driving a high-performance human vehicle can be a lot of fun.

Through my understanding of metaphysics by studying with the Modern Mystery School, I’ve come to understand the relationship between my own energy and my past issues with dealing with depression.  I am filled with energy.  When I haven’t had constructive ways of focusing my energy, it has sat inside me like a heavy weight.  Being sensitive to this dead weight inside of me, I often found myself stuck in cycles of not moving my body and not moving forward in my life.

Playing is part of healthy child’s routine.  Movement is imperative for the development and overall wellbeing of kids.  Cesar Millan, the famous dog trainer, is an advocate of exercise for dogs.  Without exercise, dogs will develop behavioral issues due to boredom, loneliness and frustration.

In many ways, adults share traits with children and animals.  “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.”  Although you eventually grow from a child to an adult, you don’t stop having a human body.  Give energy a purpose or it lends itself to finding a way out, often expressed through your emotions.

Having too much stagnated energy can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.  Exercise is not a substitute for medication or professional clinical therapy.  You can be doing everything right and still require something outside of yourself to assist you in healing your body or mind.  Although unless you address physical health, can you have a complete assessment of mental health?  Based on my own experience of battling my inner demons, exercise has contributed to my empowerment and supported me in conquering depression.

My favourite ways to exercise are weightlifting and walking.  It’s important to find activities you personally enjoy, so you can set yourself up for consistency.  Here’s a free workout that can help you get started:

Exercise is just the beginning…When your physical body is cared for, you can begin to ask yourself the deeper questions.  What is left to be cared for?  Nourishing your soul and spirit also have a significant impact on mental health and depression. 

Meditation can get a bad rap.  I often hear, “I can’t meditate.”  “I can’t sit still that long.”  “My mind has too many thoughts.”  Practicing techniques like Max Meditation System™ and Sanctuary Meditation can train your mind by giving it something to do.

Exercise pairs well with meditation.  Once your body is worked out and your physical energy is flowing, sitting to meditate becomes much easier.  It becomes easier to focus your mind.  It’s like a child being able to sit still for story time after a proper run in the outdoors.  Taking care of the physical helps to take care of the mental and spiritual.  Have you ever had something on your mind and then went on a walk?  I have had some of my best moments of clarity after a walk or a weightlifting session.  Imagine combining these elements of caring for yourself.  Try a 5 minute meditation after your next workout session.  You can simply focus on your breath and relaxing your body.  Inhale for a count of 4 and exhale for a count of 4.  Visualize your body in a state of full relaxation.

Life is a beautiful road to drive a high-performance luxury vehicle.

Driving luxuriously,

Christina Becerra, Certified Guide and Ritual Master in the Modern Mystery School