Dreams to Destiny-The blueprint for your life

Dreams to Destiny-The blueprint for your life

 “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” -Albert Einstein

While imagination is the tool for shaping reality, dreams are the blueprint to creating your life.  Without dreams, you can be swayed by the currents of the external world, the Matrix.  It’s like being lost out at sea without a compass giving you direction, without the stars guiding you, without a map leading you to where you want to go.  When opportunities present themselves to you, are you moving closer to your destiny or further away?

Without connecting to your dreams, it can be easy to end up in jobs you don’t love, in relationships you aren’t fulfilled in, and even living in places that don’t bring you joy.  What is the difference between choosing and settling? 

Dreams can be your Life Purpose.  Dreams can be an adventure you want to go on, a country you’ve always wanted to visit.  Dreams can be an ideal mate or buying your first home.  Dreams can be designing a life without Mondays, a life when you wake up and embrace every day of the week.

Moving toward your dreams can be scary.  This is exactly why a strong connection to your dreams is so important.  When you are taking steps on your Path, life will be filled with obstacles.  There will be choices along the way.  If your dreams are more important than your fears, the choice to make becomes clear.  Dreams are the anchor when your boat is being tossed around by the ocean of Life’s waves.  You are the captain of your ship.  Are you prepared for your voyage?  

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I have often observed people not willing to create space for their dreams.  It’s like they expect their dreams and desires to fit into their existing boxes.  (There’s a wonderful article on cognitive dissonance here.)  Imagine your dreams are at a higher vibration and frequency than where you are currently.  Then, imagine trying to pull your dreams down to the level you are currently existing in.  It doesn’t work.  When you want something at a higher frequency, then it is time to raise your own energy(Click here for more ideas on how to raise your vibration.)

Elevating yourself to actualizing your dreams may mean letting go of what isn’t in alignment with your current vision.  If something is holding you back or keeping your vibration lower, then it may be time to let it go.  Who knows?  Letting go may not be forever.  Removing certain aspects of your life may be just temporary so you can focus more of your energy on realizing your dreams.  There could be an opportunity to add these elements of your life back in at a later time.

Your dreams empower you to be the Master Chef of your Life.  When you know what you want to create, your dreams guide you on how to adapt the recipe.  Can your dreams change?  Of course!  It’s better to have some direction and change your course midstream than it is to relinquish your navigation.  Moving toward your dreams creates a strength of will, a flow of energy and a built-in support system to developing an internal GPS.  Even if your dreams change, you will become an expert at navigating the seas.

Imagine your dreams coming true!  There are so many wonderful tools to support you.  Meditation is an effective tool for clearing the subconscious.  This is especially important so you don’t unconsciously manifest undesired outcomes.  The Life Activation is an energetic modality that awakens your blueprint for your Life Purpose.  The Empower Thyself program is a powerful resource for increasing your will power during those turbulent waters.  The Modern Mystery School is an experienced training ground for those interested in discovering their dreams and manifesting them into reality.

Here’s a visualization I enjoy that helps me with being successful in manifesting my vision and goals.  First, close your eyes.  Take three deep breaths.  Imagine your dream, your desire.  See yourself succeeding.  Then, imagine a symbol of victory.  I like to use the visual of a basketball going directly into the basket, even hearing the swooshing sound of the net.  You can use any picture of winning that works best for you.  You can visualize a homerun, a hockey, football or soccer goal.  You can imagine yourself having climbed the top of a mountain and fully experiencing the accomplishment of making it to the top. 

Your dreams are the stars in the night sky guiding you to your destiny.

“Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” –Albert Einstein

Dreaming of the New Paradigm,

Christina Becerra, Certified Guide and Ritual Master in the Modern Mystery School