Healing Or Holding On? Progression is a consistent choice

Healing Or Holding On? Progression is a consistent choice

“Nothing rests.  Everything moves.  Everything vibrates.” –the Hermetic Principle of Vibration

Everything is in a state of motion including you.  It may seem at times like something is staying still.  Even then, molecules are always moving so quickly that the reality is, nothing stays still.  Everything follows this Hermetic law.  Knowing this can help you like a magick decoder ring, translating the language of the universe.  This Hermetic knowledge can free you from cycles and patterns if you so choose.

Life leaves no one unscathed.  Being alive is not for the weak of heart.  There are constant challenges to living Life.  You don’t have the choice of removing all obstacles and pain.  However, you do have a choice of what you do with the pain you endure.  You always have a choice to heal or hold on.

Pain can be like a blanket.    When you get used it, it forms a false sense of security as if your current state of pain protects you from future pain.  It doesn’t.  In fact, it is quite the opposite.  Holding on to pain can keep you in a cycle of reliving trauma, loss, and heartache. 

The choice of healing or holding on creates the blueprint for your life (read my article, Dreams to Destiny-The blueprint for your life, here).  It becomes your lens of how you see the world.  This choice influences all of your relationships.  Your choice decides the kind of fruits you generate.  What are the roots of your tree?  What’s the foundation that you stand on made of?

No matter what you go through in this life, you can choose to heal.  It won’t be easy, but what is the alternative?  There are two kinds of pain.  There is the pain of holding on and staying the same.  There is the pain of healing and expanding into your greatness.  You don’t get to escape discomfort, but you get to choose how you perceive it and what you do about it.

The process of building new muscles is tearing muscle fibers and then repairing them by fusing together muscle protein strands.  This process forms muscle growth.  Yes, working out can be uncomfortable.  The recovery period after a workout can also be painful, but healing makes you stronger than before. 

By not working out, you don’t avoid pain, you only delay it.  It comes later from the physical body stagnating.  Attempting to stay still (or at rest, Hermetically speaking), invites a different kind of pain.  Holding on to the past doesn’t actually keep you in the same place.  Since everything is in motion, you are either in a state of regression or progression.

To progress is to strive to be better than who you were yesterday.  Perfect isn’t the goal, just better.  In fact, one of the ways of becoming physically stronger is a concept called progressive overload.  It means to add more weight, more reps or more frequency.  Adding a couple of pounds or reps doesn’t seem like much in the present moment, but it quickly adds up.  Eventually, you can look back and see your progress.  Progress can fuel more progress if you choose it…

Adding a couple of pounds or reps doesn’t seem like much in the present moment, but it adds up.

Adding a couple of pounds or reps doesn’t seem like much in the present moment, but it adds up.

There are ways to becoming spiritually stronger and to support your healing.  The Life Activation is a great starting place.  This is an energetic modality that makes choosing healing much easier.  Many people decide to continue taking more steps forward on their healing journey and attend Healers Academy.  Healers Academy levels up your healing in a big way, by furthering your healing process by facilitating healing in others. 

Once you begin to heal, you may find there is new space growing within you.  When you are no longer holding on to pain (or in the process of letting go), it’s important to put something in its place.  Create a list of all the things that bring you joy.  Pick one thing to do every day.  You can even pick the same one every day!  Joy can become your new blueprint for Life.  It can take a while to form these new pathways in your Life, but it does become easier to choose healing and acts of Joy.  It may not always be joyful to heal but it is worth it.

Consistently healing and progressing,

Christina Becerra, Certified Guide and Ritual Master in the Modern Mystery School


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