Speaking Up Against Cancel Culture- The fight for the unity of humanity

Speaking Up Against Cancel Culture- The fight for the unity of humanity

We are living in interesting times.  This is a time when the dehumanization of a human being has become acceptable.  It has become so insidiously integrated into society, it even has a name: cancel culture.

The strange phenomenon of erasing another human being from existence comes from an infinitesimal percentage of the population.  Yet, it is a small group of people complaining the loudest.  How did this way of treating another human being come to be?  “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  I believe human beings are good at their core.  The nature of 99.9999999% of people is good.   Being good isn’t the issue.  Doing nothing is the dilemma.

While these human erasers are limited in numbers, they are not limited in power.  Disney, a massive conglomerate, is responsible for attempting to end the career of former MMA fighter and current actress, Gina Carano.  While I do not share all of Gina Carano’s opinions, I don’t agree with the slander and lies perpetrated against her by this massive corporation.  Gina Carano spoke against the narrative and was punished for it.

During these multiple lockdowns, I’ve continued to watch, listen and read the news of the outside world until one day…Cancel culture came into my home.  The world outside was now within my walls.

Since 2009, I’ve studied and shared the teachings of the Modern Mystery School (MMS).  These profound tools transformed my life, cultivated a much deeper self-love than I’ve ever experienced before and opened my awareness to the potential of my own greatness.  My relationships have flourished, my strengths have expanded and I wake up each morning with a sense of fulfillment.  Imagine that…

There was a time in my life when I was off-track.  I didn’t know myself.  I didn’t take care of myself in the ways I am worthy of.  However, during this time, I was never judged by the leaders and instructors of the MMS.  One of the people that always supported and encouraged me was Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon.  He has a unique ability to help people realize their empowerment and truly live it.  His amazing wife, Divina Franca Lanyon, is a true wonder woman in her own right.  Living a life with joy and being on a path of discovering who I am, in all of my many faucets and dimensions, is a direct result of their generosity, kindness, and care.  They are good people that care about the world being a better place and their actions are grounded in their love of humanity. 

These teachings are available to me and to the thousands of students, who’ve also benefited from this wisdom, because of the hard work and diligent efforts of Founder Gudni Gudnason.  Founder Gudni brought these teachings to North America and opened the Modern Mystery School to the public, no simple feat.  Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome, one of the three MMS lineage holders, brings humour, dedication, and pure service to his work, all over the world, including his home in Japan.

This lineage is my home.  In a world in need of much healing, I have found hope and am continuously inspired by the devotion of these GOOD men.  In a world where cancel culture aims to remove power, the Modern Mystery School lineage holders and instructors, including myself, strive to empower people to think for themselves, to practice discernment with the mainstream narrative, and create peace on the planet.

The planet that we share is our home.  We will not see peace unless we are willing to fight for it, particularly against those that work towards tearing apart the fabric of humanity, our UNITY.  Mark Wilding, under the bias media company called Vice, used the malicious nature of disreputable sources in attempts to discredit the good of our lineage and the work we work do.  Real journalism seeks to offer information, doesn’t take sides, and asks the reader to decide.  This is the nature of empowerment: sharing the light of knowledge and encouraging the awareness of choice.   

Organizations like Disney and Vice are able to perpetuate the cancel culture narrative when good people do nothing about it.  I’m a good person and I’m doing something about it.  This is bigger than just MMS or Gina Carano.  This is about our world, our culture, and the freedom to speak up without the fear of being punished.  The real power lies with the people.  Take back your power.  Speak up.  Make a choice.  Consider a new narrative.  We could coexist peacefully and freely in a world with all of our different expressions…Imagine.

With Warrior Spirit,

Christina Becerra, Certified Guide and Ritual Master